The Greater Amberjack is a species of the family of the Carangidae and thus belongs to the superclass of bony fish. Seriola Dumerili was first described in 1810 by Toreo.
Description, Anatomy & Features
The Greater Amberjack has a long stretched and laterally, strongly compressed body. The highest point is at the neck in the beginning of the second dorsal fin.
Their basic colouration is silver, with the back slightly darker and the abdominal area brighter. On the flanks there is a amber strip in older animals. Particularly striking is a dark strip, which runs from the mouth through the eye, towards the dorsal fin.
The front rays of the second dorsal fin and the anus fin are strongly elongated, crescent-shaped and usually darker than the rest of the fins.
Seriola Dumerili is up to 190cm long and weighs up to 80kg.
Habitat, occurrence and distribution
The Greater amberjack lives in the open water, in depths between 1 and 360m. In cold waters, it tends to be shallower, rather deeper in warm waters.
When scuba diving in the Canary Islands you can observe them once in a while.
Their general distribution area is very large. In the western Atlantic it occurs from Canada via Bermuda, the Bahamas, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea to Brazil. In the eastern Atlantic, it is found from Great Britain along the European coast to Morocco. It also lives around the Azores, Madeira, in the Red Sea and the western Mediterranean Sea. In the Indo-Pacific, Seriola Dumerili is known from India to South Africa and from Japan to Australia. In the eastern Pacific, the Greater Amberjack can be seen from Canada to Peru, which includes some off coast islands.
Lifestyle, Nutrition & Reproduction
Seriola Dumerili feeds on other fish and invertebrates.
Their maximum known age is 15 years.
The young fish of the Greater Amberjack live in schools and are usually found near floating objects. These schools are dissolved with increasing age.
Their reproduction takes place during the summer months, for which Seriola dumerilis swims near coastal areas. The eggs are released into the open water and live pelagic.