The Spiny Lima, Spiny File Shell, spiny Fileclam – _Lima lima_ is a captivating marine bivalve mollusc known for its distinctive spiny exterior. This species, a member of the family Limidae, is widely recognized for its intricate shell structure and its role in the marine ecosystem.
Description & Characteristics
The _Lima lima_ is a delicate bivalve that exhibits a rounded, slightly elongated shell. Its most striking characteristic is the presence of numerous, sharp, and prominent radial ribs that radiate outward from the umbo (hinge region). These ribs, giving rise to the common names “Spiny Lima” and “Spiny File Shell,” provide a unique texture and contribute to the species’ distinctive appearance. The shell’s exterior is often adorned with a colorful palette, ranging from creamy white to pale yellow, often with subtle hues of pink or orange. The shell’s inner surface typically displays a pearlescent luster, further enhancing its visual appeal. _Lima lima_ can reach a maximum size of approximately 5 cm in length, although smaller individuals are more commonly encountered.
Habitat and Occurrence
The _Lima lima_ is found in a variety of marine environments, primarily in the intertidal zone and shallow subtidal areas. This species thrives in rocky and sandy substrates, often attaching itself to seaweeds, sponges, or other marine life. It exhibits a preference for areas with moderate water flow and ample food sources. This adaptability allows _Lima lima_ to inhabit a range of marine zones, including the neritic zone, which extends from the shoreline to the edge of the continental shelf. The species’ geographic distribution is widespread, encompassing coastal regions of the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Pacific Ocean.
The species _Lima lima_ belongs to the Class: Bivalvia, Order: Limida, and Family: Limidae. This classification highlights the species’ close evolutionary relationships to other bivalves, particularly those within the Limida order, which is known for its diverse array of species with unique shell morphologies. The family Limidae is characterized by its members’ distinctive shell features, including the presence of radial ribs and a generally rounded, slightly elongated shape.
The _Lima lima_ is a filter feeder, relying on the constant flow of water to bring microscopic food particles into its body. Its feeding strategy involves the use of specialized gills, which trap and transport suspended particles like detritus, plankton, and other organic matter. This efficient filtering process allows _Lima lima_ to extract essential nutrients from the surrounding water, contributing to its survival and growth in its diverse marine habitats.
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