The Small Toothed Jobfish, scientifically known as Aphareus furca, is a fascinating marine fish species with a distinctive appearance and intriguing ecological role. This fish is commonly found in tropical and subtropical waters, demonstrating its adaptation to a variety of marine environments.
Description & Characteristics
The Small Toothed Jobfish is a relatively large fish, reaching a maximum size of 70.0 cm. Its body is elongated and compressed laterally, characterized by a deep, slightly arched dorsal profile. Its color varies depending on age and habitat, ranging from silver to reddish-brown with darker stripes running along its sides. The mouth of Aphareus furca is large and slightly oblique, equipped with numerous small teeth, hence its common name. This fish possesses a prominent, single dorsal fin with a distinct notch between the spiny and soft-rayed sections. It also has a well-developed anal fin, a rounded caudal fin, and pectoral fins positioned high on the sides of the body.
Habitat and Occurrence
The Small Toothed Jobfish, Aphareus furca, is found in a variety of marine environments, typically inhabiting depths ranging from 0.0 to 122.0 meters. This species is known to inhabit both coastal and offshore waters, often associating with coral reefs, rocky outcrops, and seamounts. Aphareus furca has a broad geographic distribution, occurring in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, specifically in the Eastern Central Atlantic, the Western Central Atlantic, the Eastern Central Pacific, and the Western Central Pacific. This widespread distribution highlights its adaptability to diverse ecological conditions.
The Small Toothed Jobfish, Aphareus furca, is classified within the scientific framework as follows: it belongs to the Class: Teleostei, which encompasses a vast array of bony fishes. This species is further classified within the Order: Eupercaria incertae sedis, a group of fishes with uncertain phylogenetic relationships, and the Family: Lutjanidae, known as the snappers. This taxonomic categorization reflects the shared characteristics and evolutionary history of Aphareus furca with other members of its family and order.
The Small Toothed Jobfish, Aphareus furca, is an opportunistic predator with a varied diet. Its primary food sources include crustaceans, such as crabs and shrimp, and small fishes. This species is known to be a highly active feeder, foraging both during the day and night. In addition to its natural diet, Aphareus furca has been observed to readily accept commercially available fish flakes and frozen food, especially large-sized options. This dietary flexibility contributes to its adaptability and resilience within diverse marine ecosystems.
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