Zebra turkeyfish – Dendrochirus zebra

Zebra turkeyfish, Butterfly Scorpionfish, Dwarf Lionfish , Poisson Armée, Zebra Lionfish, Zebra Turkeyfish, Dendrochirus zebra

The Butterfly Scorpionfish, Dwarf Lionfish , Poisson Armée, Zebra Lionfish, Zebra Turkeyfish, scientifically known as Dendrochirus zebra, is a captivating species of fish renowned for its striking appearance. With its intricate patterns and vibrant colors, this fish is a captivating sight to behold, adding a touch of elegance to the underwater realm.

Description & Characteristics

Dendrochirus zebra is a relatively small fish, reaching a maximum size of 25.0 cm. Its body is adorned with prominent zebra-like stripes, giving rise to its common name. The stripes are typically black or brown, contrasting sharply with the white or yellowish background. Dendrochirus zebra possesses a distinctive dorsal fin with elongated spines, which are often tipped with venomous barbs. These spines serve as a defense mechanism against potential predators.

Habitat and Occurrence

Dendrochirus zebra is a widespread species, found in a variety of marine habitats. It is typically found in shallow coastal waters, particularly in coral reefs, rocky outcrops, and seagrass beds. This fish exhibits a preference for environments with ample hiding places, such as crevices, caves, and under ledges. It is commonly encountered at depths ranging from 0.0 to 115.0 meters, making it adaptable to a range of underwater conditions. The species can be found in the Indo-Pacific region, encompassing a wide geographical range, including the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. This wide distribution underscores its adaptability and resilience in diverse marine ecosystems.


Dendrochirus zebra belongs to the Class: Teleostei, Order: Perciformes, and Family: Scorpaenidae. The Scorpaenidae family, commonly known as scorpionfishes, is a diverse group of fish known for their venomous spines and distinctive appearances. The family encompasses a wide variety of species, exhibiting a range of colors, shapes, and sizes. They are found in both marine and freshwater environments, inhabiting various regions around the world.


Dendrochirus zebra is a predatory fish, relying on a diet of small fish, shrimps, and other invertebrates. It employs ambush tactics, remaining stationary among the coral or rocks, patiently awaiting its prey. When an unsuspecting creature ventures within striking distance, the Dendrochirus zebra quickly darts forward, capturing its meal with its sharp teeth. Its predatory nature plays a significant role in maintaining the delicate balance of the marine ecosystem, contributing to the intricate food web of its habitat.

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