Veined Octopus, Coconut Octopus – Amphioctopus marginatus

, Veined Octopus, Coconut Octopus, Amphioctopus marginatus

The Veined Octopus, Coconut Octopus, scientifically known as Amphioctopus marginatus, is a fascinating cephalopod species found in the Indo-Pacific region. This octopus is renowned for its unique ability to utilize coconut shells as a portable shelter, earning it the moniker “Coconut Octopus.”

Description & Characteristics

The Amphioctopus marginatus is a relatively small octopus species, typically reaching a maximum mantle length of around 15 centimeters. It exhibits a distinctive mottled coloration with dark brown to reddish-brown markings on a pale background. The octopus’s skin is covered in numerous small papillae, which give it a slightly rough texture. One of the most notable characteristics of the Amphioctopus marginatus is its exceptional intelligence. It displays a remarkable capacity for tool use, particularly in its utilization of coconut shells as shelters. The octopus’s adaptability and cunning are evident in its ability to manipulate these shells to create a portable haven.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Veined Octopus, Coconut Octopus, Amphioctopus marginatus, is an inhabitant of the subtidal, sublittoral, infralittoral, and deep zones of the oceans, ranging from the lower limit of the intertidal zone (intertidal) to the shelf edge at approximately 200 meters water depth. These zones constitute the neritic zone, a biologically rich area of the ocean. As a result, the Amphioctopus marginatus thrives in this diverse marine environment, utilizing its adaptability to navigate and thrive within these habitats.


The species Amphioctopus marginatus belongs to the Class: Cephalopoda, Order: Octopoda, and Family: Octopodidae. This classification places it within the larger group of cephalopods, which includes squid, cuttlefish, and nautilus. As an octopus, it shares characteristics with other members of the Order Octopoda, including eight arms.


The Veined Octopus, Coconut Octopus, Amphioctopus marginatus is a skilled predator, utilizing its intelligence and adaptability to hunt various prey. Its diet primarily consists of crustaceans such as crabs and shrimps, as well as mollusks like clams. The Amphioctopus marginatus exhibits specialized feeding strategies, demonstrating a preference for certain types of prey. This dietary specialization highlights its ability to adapt and thrive within its chosen ecosystem.

Associated Species