Spotted-Disc Brittle Star – Ophiomastix caryophyllata

, Spotted-Disc Brittle Star, Ophiomastix caryophyllata
Depth: 0 - 54 m
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Not evaluated (NE)
Temperature: 75.38 °F - 84.02 °F (24.1°C - 28.9°C)

The Spotted-Disc Brittle Star, scientifically known as Ophiomastix caryophyllata, is a fascinating echinoderm species belonging to the class Ophiuroidea, more commonly known as brittle stars. These creatures are distinguished by their five slender, flexible arms that radiate from a central disc, making them resemble a miniature starfish.

Description & Characteristics

The Ophiomastix caryophyllata is characterized by its distinctive spotted disc, which gives it its common name. The disc itself is relatively small, typically reaching a maximum size of a few centimeters in diameter. Its arms are long and slender, often exceeding the diameter of the disc by several times. The arms are covered in small, spiny scales, giving them a slightly rough texture. The color of the Spotted-Disc Brittle Star can vary, ranging from pale brown to a dark reddish-brown. The spots on the disc are often a darker shade of brown or even black, contrasting sharply with the overall coloration.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Spotted-Disc Brittle Star Ophiomastix caryophyllata is a common inhabitant of various marine zones, including the subtidal, sublittoral, infralittoral, and deep zone of the oceans. It can be found from the lower limit of the intertidal zone (intertidal) to the shelf edge at approximately 200 meters water depth. This wide depth range places it firmly within the neritic zone, a term encompassing coastal waters extending to the shelf edge. In these diverse habitats, the Ophiomastix caryophyllata plays a crucial role in the marine ecosystem.


The Spotted-Disc Brittle Star Ophiomastix caryophyllata is classified within the scientific framework of the animal kingdom, specifically under the phylum Echinodermata. It belongs to the class Ophiuroidea, which encompasses all brittle stars and basket stars. Within this class, it is further categorized under the order Ophiacanthida, a group known for their long, slender arms. Finally, the Ophiomastix caryophyllata is assigned to the family Ophiocomidae, which includes a wide variety of brittle star species.


Although the exact dietary habits of the Spotted-Disc Brittle Star Ophiomastix caryophyllata are not fully understood, it is considered an omnivore. Its diet likely includes a combination of small organisms, such as algae, plankton, and detritus, which it scavenges from the seabed.

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