Mimic cardinalfish – Apogon phenax

Mimic cardinalfish, Mimic Cardinalfish, Apogon phenax

The Mimic Cardinalfish – Apogon phenax is a species of cardinalfish found in the Indo-Pacific region. This fish is characterized by its distinctive mimicry, which allows it to blend seamlessly with its surroundings.

Description & Characteristics

The Mimic Cardinalfish – Apogon phenax is a relatively small fish, reaching a maximum size of 7.5 cm. Its body is elongated and slender, with a slightly compressed profile. The color pattern of this species varies depending on the individual and its environment, but it typically exhibits shades of brown, red, and white. This coloration helps it effectively mimic its surroundings, providing camouflage against potential predators.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Mimic Cardinalfish – Apogon phenax is a common inhabitant of coral reefs, rocky reefs, and other coastal habitats. It is typically found in depths ranging from 3.0 to 50.0 meters. This species prefers areas with abundant cover, such as coral bommies, caves, and overhangs, where it can seek refuge and ambush prey. The Mimic Cardinalfish – Apogon phenax is a widespread species, found throughout the Indo-Pacific region, including the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the western Pacific Ocean. Its distribution encompasses various marine zones, from tropical to subtropical waters.


The Mimic Cardinalfish – Apogon phenax belongs to the Class: Teleostei, Order: Kurtiformes, and Family: Apogonidae. This family, commonly known as cardinalfishes, includes a diverse range of small, brightly colored species that are often found in association with corals. The Apogonidae family is characterized by its members having a distinctive lateral line that extends along the body, and the presence of a preopercular spine, which is a sharp, pointed bone located on the lower edge of the operculum (gill cover).


The Mimic Cardinalfish – Apogon phenax is a carnivorous species that feeds primarily on small invertebrates, zoobenthos, and zooxanthellae. These organisms are the primary food sources for this species, providing it with the nutrients and energy it needs to survive. The Mimic Cardinalfish – Apogon phenax is a opportunistic feeder, taking advantage of whatever food sources are available in its habitat. It is often observed feeding on zooplankton, small crustaceans, and benthic invertebrates, which it captures using its sharp teeth and agile movements. In addition to feeding on live prey, the Mimic Cardinalfish – Apogon phenax has also been observed to feed on zooxanthellae, symbiotic algae that live within the tissues of corals. These algae provide the Mimic Cardinalfish – Apogon phenax with an additional source of nutrition, particularly in areas where other food sources are scarce.

Associated Species

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