Leaping blenny – Alticus saliens

Leaping blenny, Leaping Blenny - Alticus saliens, Alticus saliens
Size: 10 cm
Depth: 0 - 2 m
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Data deficient (DD)
Temperature: 68 °F - 73.4 °F (20°C - 23°C)

The Leaping Blenny, scientifically known as Alticus saliens, is a fascinating fish species belonging to the family Blenniidae. This blenny is renowned for its unique ability to leap out of the water and move across land, a behavior that gives it its common name.

Description & Characteristics

Alticus saliens is a relatively small fish, reaching a maximum size of 10.0 cm. They possess a slender, elongated body, a slightly flattened head, and a large mouth. Their coloration can vary, but they often exhibit a mottled pattern of browns, greens, and yellows.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Leaping Blenny is a coastal species found in the intertidal zone, typically inhabiting rocky shores and tide pools. They are often observed in the splash zone, a challenging environment where they can tolerate periods of both submersion and exposure to air. Alticus saliens can be found in the Indo-Pacific region, including areas like the Red Sea, East Africa, and the Pacific Islands. This distribution makes them a common sight in the tropical marine zone. They prefer shallow waters, with a depth range of 0.0 – 2.0 meters.


Alticus saliens belongs to the Class: Teleostei, Order: Blenniiformes, and Family: Blenniidae. This family, known as the blennies, encompasses a wide variety of fish species that share certain anatomical features.


Alticus saliens is primarily herbivorous, feeding mainly on algae and aquatic plants. Their diet often includes filamentous algae, diatoms, and other plant matter found in their rocky shore habitat.

Associated Species

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