The Lathe Acteon, European Acteon, Beer Barrel, Linnes Baby-bubble, scientifically known as Acteon tornatilis, is a fascinating marine gastropod. This species is notable for its unique appearance and its role in the marine ecosystem.
Description & Characteristics
Acteon tornatilis is a small to medium-sized sea snail, typically reaching a maximum size of around 25 millimeters. Its shell is characterized by a distinctive, bulbous shape resembling a beer barrel. The shell exhibits a smooth, glossy surface and is usually white or light brown in color. The aperture of the shell is relatively large and rounded, often exhibiting a distinct lip.
Habitat and Occurrence
Acteon tornatilis is a common inhabitant of the Subtidal, sublittoral, infralittoral, deep zone of the oceans from the lower limit of the intertidal zone (intertidal) to the shelf edge at about 200 m water depth. neritic. This species can be found on sandy sea floors, primarily in areas with moderate water currents. Its preference for these environments is likely driven by the availability of prey and suitable habitat for its reproductive cycle.
Acteon tornatilis belongs to the Class: Gastropoda, Order: None, and Family: Acteonidae. This classification highlights its position within the larger group of snails and emphasizes its unique characteristics within the family Acteonidae.
Distribution and Occurrence
The Lathe Acteon, European Acteon, Beer Barrel, Linnes Baby-bubble is found in various regions throughout the Subtidal, sublittoral, infralittoral, deep zone of the oceans from the lower limit of the intertidal zone (intertidal) to the shelf edge at about 200 m water depth. neritic. This distribution reflects its adaptability to a range of environmental conditions and its ability to thrive in these marine zones.
Acteon tornatilis is a carnivorous species, primarily feeding on worms. Its diet plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the marine ecosystem by controlling worm populations.
Image References