Estuarine stonefish – Synanceia horrida

Estuarine stonefish, Estuarine Stonefish, Synanceia horrida
Size: 60 cm
Depth: 0 - 40 m
Water Type: Marine, Brackish
Toxicity: Highly toxic
Red List Status: Least concern (LC)
Temperature: 75.92 °F - 84.2 °F (24.4°C - 29°C)

The Estuarine Stonefish, scientifically known as Synanceia horrida, is a venomous fish species found in various coastal regions. This species is renowned for its unique appearance and its potent venom, making it a formidable predator in its habitat.

Description & Characteristics

The Synanceia horrida is a relatively large fish, reaching a maximum size of 60.0 cm. Its body is characterized by its robust and compressed form, with a distinctive head and a large, broad mouth. The coloration of the Estuarine Stonefish varies widely, often blending seamlessly with its surroundings. This cryptic coloration provides excellent camouflage, allowing the fish to remain undetected by prey and predators. The skin is covered in numerous spines, which are particularly prominent on the head and back, serving as both defensive and offensive weapons. It possesses a venomous spine located on the first dorsal fin, which it uses for defense. This spine, when pressed against an unsuspecting target, delivers a potent dose of venom that can cause intense pain, swelling, and even death if left untreated.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Estuarine Stonefish is a benthic species, meaning it primarily resides on the seabed. They are commonly found in shallow coastal waters, estuaries, and rocky reefs. This species can be found in a wide range of depth zones, from the surface to depths of up to 40.0 meters. Their distribution spans various marine zones, including the intertidal zone, the neritic zone, and the oceanic zone.


The species Synanceia horrida belongs to the Class: Teleostei, Order: Perciformes, and Family: Synanceiidae. This family, known as the Stonefish family, comprises a diverse array of venomous fish species, each with unique adaptations and characteristics.

Distribution and Occurrence

The Estuarine Stonefish, Synanceia horrida, typically inhabits shallow coastal waters, estuaries, and rocky reefs, making it a prevalent presence in these aquatic ecosystems. Their distribution spans various marine zones, including the intertidal zone, the neritic zone, and the oceanic zone, highlighting their adaptability to a range of environments.


The Estuarine Stonefish is an opportunistic predator, employing its potent venom to subdue its prey. It primarily feeds on a diet of crabs, crustaceans, edible crab, fish (little fishes), and sepia. Their ambush hunting strategy allows them to remain camouflaged in their environment, waiting for unsuspecting prey to come within range. Once a prey item is detected, the Synanceia horrida rapidly lunges forward, using its venomous spines to immobilize its target before swallowing it whole.

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