Elegant unicornfish – Naso elegans

Elegant unicornfish, Elegant Unicornfish, Orangespine Unicornfish, Lipstick Surgeonfish, Indian Orange-spine Unicorn, Smoothheaded Unicornfish, Naso elegans
Size: 45 cm
Depth: 5 - 30 m
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Least concern (LC)
Temperature: 73.4 °F - 78.8 °F (23°C - 26°C)

The Elegant Unicornfish, also known as the Orangespine Unicornfish, Lipstick Surgeonfish, Indian Orange-spine Unicorn, or Smoothheaded Unicornfish (Naso elegans), is a striking and intriguing fish found in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region. It’s recognized by its distinctive appearance and behavior, making it a popular choice for aquariums.

Description and Characteristics

The Naso elegans is a relatively large fish, reaching a maximum size of 45.0 cm. Its body is typically a deep blue color, with a prominent orange stripe running vertically along the dorsal side, giving rise to its common names. The vibrant orange stripe is further accentuated by a thin white border, further enhancing its beauty. This stripe is often likened to a smear of lipstick, leading to the name “Lipstick Surgeonfish.” The fish has a distinctive, almost smooth, head and its mouth is designed for grazing on algae, a key element of its diet.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Naso elegans is primarily found in the Indo-Pacific region, with a depth range extending from 5.0 to 30.0 meters. This means they can be encountered in both shallow reefs and slightly deeper waters. The fish is known to inhabit tropical reef areas, specifically coral reefs, rocky reefs, and seagrass beds. They are often found in areas with abundant algae growth, a key component of their diet. Their presence contributes significantly to the biodiversity of these marine ecosystems.


The species Naso elegans belongs to the Class: Teleostei, Order: Acanthuriformes, and Family: Acanthuridae. This family, known as the surgeonfish family, includes a wide range of species that share similar characteristics like their scalpel-like spines near the tail fin, used for defense against predators.


The Naso elegans is primarily herbivorous, feeding mainly on algae. In their natural habitat, they graze on various types of algae, including seaweed and macroalgae. In captive settings, they have been observed consuming a diverse diet, including: algae, clam meat, dandelion, flakes, frozen food (large sort), lettuce, mysis, nori-algae, and shrimps. Their grazing behavior helps maintain the balance of the reef ecosystem by preventing the overgrowth of algae.

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