Common Shrimp, Brown Shrimp – Crangon crangon

, Common Shrimp, Brown Shrimp, Crangon crangon
Depth: 0 - 50 m
Water Type: Marine, Brackish
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Not evaluated (NE)
Temperature: 8,6 °F - 57.2 °F (8,6°C - 14°C)

The Common Shrimp, Brown Shrimp, scientifically known as Crangon crangon, is a small, commercially important crustacean found in coastal waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. This shrimp species plays a crucial role in the marine ecosystem, serving as both predator and prey.

Description & Characteristics

Crangon crangon is characterized by its elongated, laterally compressed body, reaching a maximum size of around 10 cm. Its carapace, the hard outer shell covering the head and thorax, is smooth and lacks spines. The rostrum, the pointed projection in front of the eyes, is short and rounded. The Common Shrimp has a distinctive, reddish-brown coloration, sometimes with a greenish tinge, providing excellent camouflage on the seabed. Its body is segmented, with ten walking legs, the first pair modified into strong claws. These claws are used for defense and capturing prey.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Common Shrimp, Brown Shrimp Crangon crangon thrives in a variety of habitats within the neritic zone, a marine zone extending from the intertidal zone down to the shelf edge at approximately 200 m depth. It is commonly found in Subtidal, sublittoral, and infralittoral environments, often inhabiting muddy, sandy, or gravelly bottoms. Crangon crangon can tolerate a wide range of salinity, preferring brackish water conditions but also thriving in seawater environments. This adaptability allows the species to colonize diverse coastal areas, making it a prominent inhabitant of various marine ecosystems.


The Common Shrimp, Brown Shrimp Crangon crangon belongs to the Class: Malacostraca, Order: Decapoda, and Family: Crangonidae. This classification reflects its shared characteristics with other crustaceans, particularly the decapod group, which includes other familiar species like crabs and lobsters.


The Common Shrimp, Brown Shrimp Crangon crangon is a predatory scavenger with a diverse diet. Its feeding habits include consuming a wide variety of organisms, including Amphipods, Clams, Crustaceans, Detritus, Invertebrates, Mysis, Snails, Worms, and Zoobenthos. Its powerful claws enable it to capture prey, while its opportunistic nature allows it to scavenge on dead organic matter. This adaptability in its diet makes Crangon crangon a significant contributor to the nutrient cycling within its marine environment.

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