Blackfin dartfish – Ptereleotris evides

Blackfin dartfish, Arrow Goby, Blackfin Dartfish, Sailfin Hovergoby, Scissortail Dartfish, Spottail Gudgeon , Twotone Dartfish, Ptereleotris evides

The Arrow Goby, Blackfin Dartfish, Sailfin Hovergoby, Scissortail Dartfish, Spottail Gudgeon , Twotone Dartfish (Ptereleotris evides) is a small, colorful fish found in tropical marine environments. It is a popular choice for saltwater aquariums due to its striking appearance and relatively peaceful nature.

Description & Characteristics

Ptereleotris evides can reach a maximum size of 14.0 cm. It is characterized by its elongated body and a distinctive two-tone coloration. The head and anterior portion of the body are typically a vibrant yellow or orange, contrasting with the darker, often reddish-brown coloration of the posterior body. The fish also possesses large, prominent eyes, a slightly pointed snout, and a long, flowing dorsal fin.

Habitat and Occurrence

Ptereleotris evides is found in a variety of marine environments, including coral reefs, rocky shores, and seagrass beds. It typically inhabits shallow waters, with a depth range of 0.0 to 30.0 meters. Its distribution encompasses tropical regions of the Indo-Pacific Ocean, including the Red Sea, East Africa, and the Indian Ocean. This wide range suggests Ptereleotris evides can adapt to varying environmental conditions, making it a common sight in both coastal and offshore waters.


Ptereleotris evides belongs to the Class: Teleostei, Order: Gobiiformes, and Family: Microdesmidae. This family, commonly known as the “shrimp gobies” or “dartfishes,” is characterized by its small size and elongated, often translucent bodies. This family boasts a diverse range of species, with some known for their symbiotic relationships with shrimp, while others, like Ptereleotris evides, are more solitary in nature.


Ptereleotris evides is an opportunistic carnivore, feeding primarily on zooplankton and small invertebrates. This diet can include brine shrimps, flakes, krill, lobster eggs, mysis, and other small organisms. Their diet can be adapted to suit their captive environment, with readily available commercial fish flakes and other prepared food items often being favored.

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