Black Sea Cucumber, Lollyfish – Holothuria atra

, Black Sea Cucumber, Lollyfish, Holothuria atra

The Black Sea Cucumber, Lollyfish, scientifically known as Holothuria atra, is a fascinating marine invertebrate belonging to the class Holothuroidea, commonly known as sea cucumbers. These creatures are characterized by their elongated, cylindrical bodies and leathery skin, making them a unique sight in the underwater world.

Description and Characteristics

The Black Sea Cucumber, Lollyfish, Holothuria atra, can reach a maximum size of approximately 30 centimeters in length. Its body is typically dark gray to black in color, with a smooth, leathery texture. One distinguishing feature is the presence of numerous small, fleshy tentacles surrounding its mouth, which it uses for feeding. These tentacles are highly sensitive to touch and can detect food particles in the surrounding environment.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Black Sea Cucumber, Lollyfish, Holothuria atra, is a common inhabitant of various marine zones, including the subtidal, sublittoral, infralittoral, and deep zones of the oceans. It can be found from the lower limit of the intertidal zone, also known as the intertidal zone, to the shelf edge at approximately 200 meters water depth. This distribution highlights its adaptability to different underwater environments, and its presence in the neritic zone further indicates its preference for shallower coastal waters.


The Black Sea Cucumber, Lollyfish, Holothuria atra, is classified within the Class: Holothuroidea, Order: Holothuriida, and Family: Holothuriidae. This taxonomic placement reflects its evolutionary history and close relationships with other sea cucumber species.


The Black Sea Cucumber, Lollyfish, Holothuria atra, is an opportunistic feeder, relying on a diverse diet of algae, detritus, plankton, and sediment. Its tentacles actively collect food particles from the seafloor, bringing them to its mouth for consumption. This feeding strategy makes it an important part of the marine ecosystem, contributing to the recycling of nutrients and the maintenance of a healthy seabed.

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