Sharks in the Canary Islands scuba diving Tenerife Fuerteventura Lanzarote Gran Canaria La Palma Gomera El Hierro

Sharks in the Canary Islands

Sometimes one wonders what might be beneath them when taking a swim in the Atlantic. At least, I occasionally ponder this when swimming without a mask and snorkel. However, encountering a shark in the Canary Islands is very unlikely. Although there are over 50 shark species in the waters around the Canary Islands, shark sightings while diving are very rare. Most shark species in the Canary Islands live in open water or at depths below 200 meters. The only sharks that can be regularly observed are the angel sharks. Especially in the winter and spring months, they are repeatedly encountered in Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, and Lanzarote. However, they are less commonly seen on La Palma, La Gomera, and El Hierro.

Sharks in the Canary Islands

Other Shark Species in the Canary Islands

  • Alopias superciliosus – Bigeye thresher shark
  • Carcharhinus brevipinna – Spinner shark
  • Carcharhinus falciformis – Silky shark
  • Carcharhinus longimanus – Oceanic whitetip shark
  • Carcharhinus obscurus – Dusky shark
  • Centrophorus cryptacanthus
  • Centrophorus granulosus – Gulper shark
  • Centrophorus squamosus
  • Centroscymnus coelolepis
  • Dalatias licha – Kitefin shark
  • Deania hystricosa – Rough longnose dogfish
  • Etmopterus princeps – Great lanternshark
  • Heptranchias perlo – Sharpnose sevengill shark
  • Isistius brasiliensis – Cookiecutter shark
  • Isurus paucus – Longfin mako shark
  • Odontaspis ferox – Smalltooth sand tiger shark
  • Pseudotriakis microdon – False catshark
  • Sphyrna mokarran – Great hammerhead shark
  • Sphyrna zygaena – Smooth hammerhead shark
  • Squalus acanthias – Spiny dogfish
  • Squalus megalops – Shortnose spurdog


Shark Sightings in the Canary Islands

Although there are over 50 shark species in the Canary Islands, sightings are limited. Occasionally, whale watching boats spot a hammerhead shark. However, sharks rarely come close to the shores. I have personally seen a small shark in Tazacorte and have also seen two dead sharks, probably caught by fishermen who then threw them back overboard after realizing they could not use them.

In July 2024, there were sightings of a hammerhead shark off the coast of Gran Canaria

Sharks were spotted in a port in Tenerife in 2023

In 2016, there was a sighting of young smooth-hound sharks at the beach of Puerto Naos on La Palma

In 2007, which was quite a while ago, a dead basking shark was washed ashore on the coast of Tenerife*.

On El Hierro, smalltooth sand tiger shark sightings are common. This species usually lives in deep waters, but females come to shallow areas of the Atlantic to give birth.

The same species of shark was spotted in 2017 on Fuerteventura*, although as promised, no video was found.

Shark Attacks in the Canary Islands

Although the risk is very low, it can still happen. As we have already established, shark sightings in the Canary Islands are very rare, and so are attacks. According to, there have only been six unprovoked shark attacks recorded in the Canary Islands since 1828. Likewise, reports only six unprovoked attacks, although some of the following examples are not included

Statistically, something happens about every 30 years. However, the numbers are incomplete.

Bites from Angel Sharks

The count from the Florida Museum refers to unprovoked attacks by sharks. However, angel sharks often lie buried in the sand in shallow water. If you accidentally step on them, they might defend themselves. However, no severe cases are known to me. Especially in the winter and spring months, one should be careful not to step on an angel shark.

Attacks by Other Shark Species

A lot has happened in recent years:

  • On September 16, 2024, a woman was killed by a shark 500 km off the coast of the Canary Islands.
  • In 2015, a tourist was bitten by a shark on Gran Canaria. Although she needed treatment, she made it clear that the bite would not stop her from going back into the sea. The species involved was probably a silky shark, although this could not be fully confirmed.
  • The same article* also describes another attack on a man in Tenerife. It took place in summer 2014. Again, there were no serious consequences.
  • On* there is, in addition to pictures of the attack on Gran Canaria described above, another report. This is about the attack on a Senegalese fisherman off the coast of La Gomera. According to the article, the encounter with the shark happened in 2013.
  • Additionally, there was an attack in 2004 on Fuerteventura*.

Despite these five known incidents in recent years, nobody has died from a shark attack in the Canary Islands. Given the number of tourists, there are only a few unwanted encounters.

Is Swimming in the Atlantic Dangerous?

As I have already explained, with the huge number of swimmers, incidents are rare. Statistically, more people die from drowning than from shark attacks. It is now well-known that sharks have a worse reputation than they deserve. It is often said that you are more likely to be killed by a falling coconut, eaten by a lion, or killed while taking a selfie than by a shark. Compared to shark encounters on the other side of the Atlantic, the interactions in the Canary Islands are negligible.

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Marine Biology, Scuba Diving

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