
Tozeuma is a genus of squat lobsters belonging to the family Galatheidae. These crustaceans are found in a variety of marine environments, primarily in the Indo-Pacific region. Squat lobsters are characterized by their flattened bodies, short, stout legs, and prominent, often spiny, rostra (beaks).

Common Names

Common names for species within the genus Tozeuma include:

  • Spiny squat lobster
  • Tozeuma lobster
  • Squat lobster


Tozeuma species are typically small to medium in size, with body lengths ranging from a few centimeters to several centimeters. They possess a carapace (shell) that is generally flattened dorsoventrally (top to bottom) and covered in small spines or tubercles. The abdomen (tail) is relatively short and often tucked under the carapace. The first pair of legs (chelipeds) are robust and may be armed with sharp, spiny claws. The remaining legs are typically short and stout, adapted for walking and clinging to surfaces.


Members of the genus Tozeuma are commonly found in shallow to deep waters, ranging from the intertidal zone to depths of over 1000 meters. They inhabit a variety of substrates, including rocky reefs, coral rubble, sandy bottoms, and seagrass beds. Some species may also be found in association with sponges, sea anemones, or other invertebrates.


For further information on the genus Tozeuma, consult the following sources: