Violet squirrelfish – Sargocentron violaceum

Violet squirrelfish, Violet Squirrelfish, White-edged Squirrelfish - Sargocentron violaceum, Sargocentron violaceum

The Violet Squirrelfish, White-edged Squirrelfish – Sargocentron violaceum is a captivating fish renowned for its striking coloration and graceful movements. This species, a member of the Squirrelfish family, exhibits a vibrant violet hue that distinguishes it from other marine inhabitants.

Description & Characteristics

The Sargocentron violaceum is a medium-sized fish, with individuals reaching a maximum length of 45.0 cm. Its body is characterized by a distinct violet coloration, accented by a prominent white edging along its fins. This striking combination of colors contributes to its captivating appearance. The Violet Squirrelfish, White-edged Squirrelfish possesses large, expressive eyes, further enhancing its allure.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Sargocentron violaceum is a versatile fish, found in a variety of marine environments. It is typically found in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly in the coastal waters of East Africa, Madagascar, and the islands of the Indian Ocean. This species is commonly observed in coral reefs, rocky outcrops, and other areas with ample cover. The Violet Squirrelfish, White-edged Squirrelfish is often spotted at depths ranging from 0.0 to 100.0 meters, demonstrating its ability to adapt to different depths and environments.


The Sargocentron violaceum belongs to the Class: Teleostei, Order: Holocentriformes, and Family: Holocentridae, placing it firmly within the taxonomic framework of bony fishes, specifically the Squirrelfish order. This classification highlights its close relationship with other squirrelfish species, reflecting shared evolutionary history and characteristics.


The Sargocentron violaceum is an opportunistic predator, primarily relying on crustaceans and small fishes as a food source. Its diet consists primarily of crabs, shrimps, and small fishes, demonstrating its ability to adapt to readily available prey. The Violet Squirrelfish, White-edged Squirrelfish plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of its habitat by regulating populations of smaller marine organisms.

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