Vermilion Flatworm; Little Ruby – Phrikoceros baibaiye

, Vermilion Flatworm; Little Ruby, Phrikoceros baibaiye
Depth: 3 - 25 m
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Not evaluated (NE)
Temperature: °F - 82.4 °F (°C - 28°C)

The Vermilion Flatworm; Little Ruby, scientifically known as Phrikoceros baibaiye, is a captivating flatworm species found in marine environments. Its vibrant red coloration and unique morphology make it a fascinating subject for marine biologists and enthusiasts alike.

Description & Characteristics

Phrikoceros baibaiye is a small, flattened worm with a distinctive crimson hue. Its body is typically elongated and slender, with a maximum size of [max size] . This flatworm’s body is covered in tiny cilia, which aid in locomotion. The Vermilion Flatworm; Little Ruby possesses a distinctive, well-defined head region, often marked by sensory organs that help it navigate its environment.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Vermilion Flatworm; Little Ruby, Phrikoceros baibaiye, is found primarily in [habitat] ecosystems. Its presence in these aquatic environments is significant, showcasing its adaptation to specific ecological niches.


Phrikoceros baibaiye belongs to the Order Polycladida, a diverse group of flatworms known for their intricate life cycles and unique adaptations. This species falls under the Family Pseudocerotidae, a family characterized by their flattened bodies, vibrant colors, and often intricate patterns.


Phrikoceros baibaiye is a carnivore, feeding primarily on smaller invertebrates. Its feeding habits are an integral part of its ecological role, contributing to the intricate balance of marine ecosystems.

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