The Black-stripe Sweeper, Silver Sweeper, Striped Bullseye, scientifically known as Pempheris schwenkii, is a captivating fish species that exhibits unique characteristics and a fascinating lifestyle.
Description & Characteristics
This species can grow up to a maximum size of 15.0 cm. The Black-stripe Sweeper, Silver Sweeper, Striped Bullseye is distinguished by its striking silver body that is adorned with a prominent black stripe that runs along its lateral line. This stripe is a defining feature that gives the species its common names. The fish also possesses a distinctive black spot on its dorsal fin, further enhancing its visual appeal.
Habitat and Occurrence
The Black-stripe Sweeper, Silver Sweeper, Striped Bullseye is a marine fish that is typically found in depths ranging from 5.0 to 40.0 meters. Its distribution extends across various marine zones, highlighting its adaptability and ecological significance. This fish is commonly encountered in the Indo-Pacific region, where it thrives in the warm and tropical waters. It prefers to inhabit coral reefs, rocky outcrops, and other suitable habitats that provide ample shelter and food sources.
The species Pempheris schwenkii belongs to the Class: Teleostei, Order: Acropomatiformes, and Family: Pempheridae. This classification system reflects its evolutionary relationships and shared characteristics with other members of its taxonomic group.
The Black-stripe Sweeper, Silver Sweeper, Striped Bullseye is an opportunistic carnivore that exhibits a diverse diet. Its feeding habits are primarily focused on consuming zooplankton, including copepods, amphipods, and brine shrimp nauplii. It also feeds on other small invertebrates such as shrimp, mysis, and krill. Its diet may also include frozen food options such as small sorts of frozen food. The Black-stripe Sweeper, Silver Sweeper, Striped Bullseye plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of its ecosystem by regulating the populations of its prey species.
Image References