Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet – Patella ferruginea

, Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet - Patella ferruginea, Patella ferruginea
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Not evaluated (NE)
Temperature: °F - 73.4 °F (°C - 23°C)

The Ribbed Mediterranean Limpet (Patella ferruginea) is a large, distinctive limpet species endemic to the Mediterranean Sea. Known for its robust shell and distinct ribbed pattern, the Patella ferruginea is a fascinating example of marine adaptation. This species plays a crucial role in its ecosystem, contributing to the balance of the intertidal zones where it thrives.

Description & Characteristics

The Patella ferruginea exhibits a conical, sturdy shell with a distinctive, pronounced rib structure. The shell’s color varies, ranging from shades of brown, gray, and even reddish-brown, often with a white apex. The shell’s exterior displays a series of prominent radial ribs that extend from the apex to the margin, giving the limpet its characteristic ribbed appearance. These ribs provide strength and stability, allowing the limpet to firmly attach to the rocky surfaces it calls home.

The maximum size of the Patella ferruginea can reach approximately 10 cm in diameter, making it one of the largest limpet species found in the Mediterranean. Its size and robust shell are a testament to its resilience against the harsh conditions of the intertidal zone.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Patella ferruginea is a highly specialized species, inhabiting the rocky intertidal zones of the Mediterranean Sea. Its distribution extends across the entire Mediterranean basin, with a particular abundance along the coasts of Italy, Spain, and France. It is primarily found in the infralittoral zone, which lies between the low tide mark and depths of approximately 10 meters. This specific zone provides the ideal conditions for the limpet’s survival, offering access to essential resources like algae and protection from the harsh marine elements.


The Patella ferruginea belongs to the Class: Gastropoda, Order: Patellogastropoda, and Family: Patellidae. This classification reflects the evolutionary relationships and shared characteristics among these marine snails. The Patella ferruginea is a prominent member of the Patellidae family, showcasing the characteristic features of this limpet family.


Patella ferruginea is primarily herbivorous, feeding on a variety of algae, including red slime algae. This diet provides essential nutrients for the limpet’s growth and survival. It uses its strong, radula, a tongue-like structure covered in tiny teeth, to scrape algae from rocky surfaces. These feeding habits contribute to the Patella ferruginea‘s important role in regulating the growth and distribution of algae in the intertidal zone.

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