Redstripe pipefish – Dunckerocampus baldwini

Redstripe pipefish, Redstripe Pipefish, Dunckerocampus baldwini
Size: 14 cm
Depth: 6 - 128 m
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Least concern (LC)
Temperature: 71.6 °F - 80.6 °F (22°C - 27°C)

The Redstripe Pipefish, scientifically known as Dunckerocampus baldwini, is a fascinating and slender fish species belonging to the Syngnathidae family. This fish is characterized by its elongated body, resembling a pipe, and its distinctive reddish stripe that runs along its sides.

Description & Characteristics

The Redstripe Pipefish can grow up to a maximum size of 14.0 cm in length. Its body is covered in bony plates, providing it with a rigid and armored exterior. This fish is typically found in depths ranging from 6.0 to 128.0 meters, inhabiting the subtidal, sublittoral, infralittoral, and deep zones of the oceans. It is classified as a neritic species, meaning it is found in the waters above the continental shelf.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Redstripe Pipefish’s habitat spans a wide range of marine zones, from the lower limit of the intertidal zone to the shelf edge at approximately 200 meters. This adaptation allows it to thrive in various environments, including rocky reefs, seagrass beds, and sandy bottoms. The Redstripe Pipefish is a common sight in these habitats, demonstrating its adaptability and resilience in diverse underwater ecosystems.


The Redstripe Pipefish, Dunckerocampus baldwini, is classified within the taxonomic hierarchy as follows. It belongs to the Class: Teleostei, a group of ray-finned fishes that constitutes the majority of fish species. It is further categorized under the Order: Syngnathiformes, which encompasses a diverse group of fishes with elongated bodies and specialized mouthparts. The Redstripe Pipefish is ultimately placed in the Family: Syngnathidae, a family that includes seahorses, pipefishes, and seadragons.


The Redstripe Pipefish is a carnivorous species, primarily feeding on small invertebrates. Its diet consists of various zooplankton, including brine shrimp nauplii, brine shrimps, cyclops, and Daphnia salina. This feeding strategy allows the Redstripe Pipefish to thrive in its chosen habitats, where it can efficiently capture and consume its preferred prey.

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