Radial leatherjacket – Acreichthys radiatus

Radial leatherjacket, Radial Leatherjacket, Flower-coral Filefish, Radiated Filefish, Acreichthys radiatus

The Radial Leatherjacket, Flower-coral Filefish, Radiated Filefish, scientifically known as Acreichthys radiatus, is a small and vibrantly colored fish belonging to the filefish family. Its unique appearance and intriguing behavior make it a captivating subject for marine enthusiasts and researchers alike.

Description and Characteristics

Acreichthys radiatus is characterized by its relatively small size, reaching a maximum length of 7.0 cm. Its body is flattened and oval-shaped, with a distinct dorsal fin that runs along its back and a smaller, rounded anal fin. The most striking feature of this fish is its striking color pattern. The body is adorned with numerous bright, radial lines, giving the fish its common name, “Radiated Filefish.” These lines are typically yellow or orange and create a distinctive, almost starburst-like effect. The background color of the fish can range from white to pale yellow or brown, adding to its visual appeal.

Habitat and Occurrence

Acreichthys radiatus is a tropical marine fish that typically inhabits coral reefs and rocky shores in the Indo-Pacific region. This species is commonly found in shallow waters, with a depth range of 2.0 to 12.0 meters. The fish’s preference for these habitats is likely due to the abundance of food sources, such as algae and small invertebrates, that are readily available in these areas. Acreichthys radiatus is considered a reef-associated species, meaning it relies on the presence of healthy coral reefs for its survival. This makes the fish a key indicator of the overall health of coral reef ecosystems.


Acreichthys radiatus belongs to the Class: Teleostei, Order: Tetraodontiformes, and Family: Monacanthidae. The family Monacanthidae encompasses a diverse group of fishes that are commonly known as filefishes. The name “filefish” is derived from the rough, sandpaper-like skin that covers their bodies, which they use for defense. These fishes are characterized by their distinctive, elongated bodies and their ability to use their spines to deter predators. Within the Monacanthidae family, Acreichthys radiatus belongs to the genus Acreichthys, which contains several other species of filefish that share similar physical characteristics.


Acreichthys radiatus is an opportunistic omnivore that feeds on a variety of food items. Its diet consists primarily of copepods, coral polyps, and other small invertebrates. This fish exhibits a corallivorous feeding behavior, meaning it actively feeds on coral polyps, contributing to the overall health and diversity of coral reef ecosystems. While Acreichthys radiatus mainly feeds on natural prey, it can also be observed consuming artificial food items such as Daphnia salina, Mysis, and zooplankton, which are often used in aquariums.

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