Pinctada longisquamosa

, Pinctada longisquamosa
Water Type: Marine

Pinctada longisquamosa, commonly known as the “long-scaled pearl oyster,” is a species of saltwater clam that belongs to the family Margaritidae. This bivalve mollusk is renowned for its ability to produce pearls, a valuable commodity sought after for its beauty and rarity.

Description and Characteristics

The Pinctada longisquamosa is a large oyster species, typically reaching a maximum size of 15 centimeters in length. Its shell is characterized by a rough, irregular exterior, often covered in scales, which give the species its common name. The shell color can vary greatly, ranging from white to brown to black, depending on the environment and age of the oyster. The interior of the shell, known as the nacre, is typically a shimmering iridescent white, and it is this nacre that is used to create pearls. The Pinctada longisquamosa possesses a strong, muscular foot that it uses to anchor itself to rocks and coral reefs.

Habitat and Occurrence

Pinctada longisquamosa is typically found in shallow, tropical waters, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region. This species is a common inhabitant of coral reefs, rocky shores, and seagrass beds, typically residing in depths ranging from the intertidal zone down to around 30 meters. The Pinctada longisquamosa is often found in the neritic zone, the area of the ocean that extends from the shoreline to the edge of the continental shelf. This marine zone is characterized by its shallow waters, abundant sunlight, and diverse marine life. The Pinctada longisquamosa is well-adapted to these conditions, thriving in the warm, clear waters of the Indo-Pacific region.


Pinctada longisquamosa is classified within the Class: Bivalvia, Order: Ostreida, and Family: Margaritidae. This taxonomic classification places the species within the broad group of bivalve mollusks, which are characterized by their two-part shells. The Order: Ostreida includes oysters, scallops, and other related species, all of which are characterized by their filter-feeding habits and their ability to produce pearls. The family Margaritidae is a diverse group of oysters, many of which are commercially important for pearl production.


Like most bivalve mollusks, Pinctada longisquamosa is a filter feeder. This means that it obtains its food by filtering tiny organisms and particles from the surrounding water. The Pinctada longisquamosa uses its gills to trap food particles, which are then passed to its mouth. Its diet consists primarily of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and other microscopic organisms, which it filters from the water column.

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