Panther electric ray – Torpedo panthera

Panther electric ray, Panther Electric Ray, Panther Torpedo - Torpedo panthera, Torpedo panthera
Size: 100 cm
Depth: 1 - 350 m
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Endangered (EN)
Temperature: 18,5 °F - 26,3 °F (18,5°C - 26,3°C)

The Panther Electric Ray, Panther Torpedo – Torpedo panthera is a fascinating species of electric ray found in various marine habitats. These rays are known for their powerful electric organs, which they use to stun prey and defend themselves against predators.

Description & Characteristics

The Panther Electric Ray can reach a maximum size of 100.0 cm in length. Their bodies are flattened, with large pectoral fins that resemble wings. Their eyes are relatively small, and their mouths are located on the underside of their bodies. They possess a distinct pattern of dark spots on their back, giving them their distinctive panther-like appearance.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Panther Electric Ray, Panther Torpedo – Torpedo panthera, is a common inhabitant of coral reefs, muddy grounds, and reef slopes. They are typically found at depths ranging from 1.0 to 350.0 meters. This adaptability allows them to thrive in diverse marine environments, including the epipelagic, mesopelagic, and bathypelagic zones.


The Panther Electric Ray, Panther Torpedo – Torpedo panthera is classified as follows: it belongs to the Class: Elasmobranchii, which encompasses cartilaginous fishes like sharks and rays. They are further categorized within the Order: Torpediniformes, a group of electric rays. Finally, they are part of the Family: Torpedinidae, the family of electric rays that share similar characteristics and adaptations.


The Panther Electric Ray, Panther Torpedo – Torpedo panthera is a carnivorous predator that relies on its electric organs to subdue its prey. They feed on a diverse range of organisms including crabs, fish (especially small ones), invertebrates, worms, and zoobenthos. Their hunting strategy involves using their powerful electric discharge to stun their prey before consuming them.

Associated Species

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