The Felimare bilineata, commonly known as the Felimare bilineata, is a species of colorful sea slug in the family Chromodorididae. These nudibranchs are renowned for their striking appearance and intriguing feeding habits.
Description & Characteristics
Felimare bilineata is a medium-sized nudibranch, typically reaching a maximum size of 50 mm. Its body is elongated and flattened, with a characteristically smooth and glossy surface. The dorsal surface of the mantle is adorned with two prominent longitudinal lines, giving it a distinctive striped appearance. The mantle is typically a vibrant shade of orange-red, often with white edges, and it’s contrasted by the white or cream-colored rhinophores (sensory organs) and gills (respiratory organs).
Habitat and Occurrence
Felimare bilineata is found in the Mediterranean Sea, primarily in shallow, rocky reefs. The species thrives in the infralittoral zone, which extends from the low tide mark down to approximately 40 meters in depth. This marine zone provides a rich and diverse ecosystem, with a variety of substrates and abundant food sources.
The species Felimare bilineata is part of the Nudibranchia order, which belongs to the Gastropoda class. These gastropods, commonly known as sea slugs, are highly diverse and play important roles in their respective marine ecosystems. Felimare bilineata is classified within the Chromodorididae family, which is characterized by its vibrant coloration and often striking patterns.
Felimare bilineata is a specialist feeder, relying primarily on sponges as its food source. The nudibranch’s diet is closely tied to the availability of specific sponge species, which are often found in their favored habitats. The specialized digestive system of the Felimare bilineata allows it to effectively extract nutrients from these sponge species, contributing to its growth and survival.
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