Microspot cardinalfish – Ostorhinchus microspilos

Microspot cardinalfish, Microspot Cardinalfish, Ostorhinchus microspilos
Size: 7 cm
Depth: 20 - 25 m

The Microspot Cardinalfish – Ostorhinchus microspilos is a captivating species of fish known for its unique features and intriguing behavior. It is commonly found in a range of marine environments, where it contributes to the intricate balance of these underwater ecosystems.

Description & Characteristics

The Ostorhinchus microspilos is a small, slender fish, reaching a maximum size of 7.0 cm. It exhibits a distinctive coloration, characterized by a pale background with small, dark spots scattered across its body. This distinctive spotting pattern is a key identifier for this species. This fish is typically found at depths ranging from 20.0 to 25.0 meters, inhabiting specific marine zones within its habitat.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Microspot Cardinalfish – Ostorhinchus microspilos is found in a variety of marine environments, often inhabiting rocky reefs and coral formations. They are typically found in tropical and subtropical waters, making them a prevalent presence in these aquatic ecosystems.


The species Ostorhinchus microspilos belongs to the family Apogonidae, commonly known as cardinalfishes. These fish belong to the order Kurtiformes and the class Teleostei, which encompasses a diverse group of bony fishes.


The Ostorhinchus microspilos is a carnivore, feeding on a diverse range of small invertebrates. Its diet consists of amphipods, copepods, Daphnia salina, mysis, and zooplankton. It also consumes zoobenthos, demonstrating its adaptability to a variety of food sources found in its habitat. This feeding strategy plays a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of its marine ecosystem.

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