Mediterranean Slipper Lobster – Scyllarides latus


The Mediterranean Slipper Lobster is a species in the order of the Decapoda and thus belongs to the subphylum of the Crustacea.


Scyllarides latus has a massive, sand-coloured body with a blue border. The sides of its hind limbs are stocked with sharp, strong spines. The antennas are formed into plates. They reach a maximum size of 45cm.

Habitat and Distribution

Mediterranean Slipper Lobster lives in dark places like holes, crevices and caves on rocky ground down to 200m depth. When diving in the Canaries you can often observe them, but they become less frequent. In addition, its distribution area spreads across the Mediterranean, the Atlantic Ocean from the Azores via Madeira, Cape Verde to Senegal and the Red Sea.


Scyllarides latus is more active in the night. However, they are sometimes seen outside during the day. Normally, they live solitaire but you can also find several specimens in one place.
At the time of reproduction the females carry up to 100,000 intensely red eggs along the hind legs. These are cared for until the larvae hatch.
Mediterranean Slipper Lobster have no scissors to fight enemies. Once confronted with them, they either cling to the ground or try to swim off with strong blows of the back limb.
If they have made prey, they usually carry it into their shelter before they eat. The diet of Scyllarides latus consists of plankton and invertebrates. It prefers snails and mussels.

Associated Species


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