Gulf of Mexico ocellated flounder – Ancylopsetta quadrocellata

Gulf of Mexico ocellated flounder, Ocellated Flounder, Ancylopsetta quadrocellata
Size: 25 cm
Depth: 4 - 110 m
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Least concern (LC)
Temperature: 71.78 °F - 79.52 °F (22.1°C - 26.4°C)

The Ocellated Flounder, scientifically known as Ancylopsetta quadrocellata, is a fascinating flatfish species that exhibits remarkable adaptations for life on the ocean floor.

Description & Characteristics

Ocellated Flounders are relatively small fish, reaching a maximum size of about 25.0 cm. Their flattened bodies, characteristic of flatfish, allow them to lie camouflaged on the seabed. The Ocellated Flounder’s coloration is typically a mottled brown or gray, often with dark spots or ocelli, which enhance its ability to blend seamlessly with its surroundings. Like other flatfish, they possess both eyes on the same side of their head, a unique adaptation for their bottom-dwelling lifestyle.

Habitat and Occurrence

Ocellated Flounders are found in a range of marine zones, inhabiting Subtidal, sublittoral, infralittoral, and deep zone of the oceans from the lower limit of the intertidal zone (intertidal) to the shelf edge at about 200 m water depth. They are commonly found in neritic waters, which encompass the coastal areas of the ocean. This species has a wide depth range, typically occurring between 4.0 and 110.0 meters.


The Ocellated Flounder (Ancylopsetta quadrocellata) is classified within the Class: Teleostei, Order: Pleuronectiformes, and Family: Paralichthyidae. The Teleostei class includes the vast majority of bony fish, while the Order Pleuronectiformes encompasses all flatfish. The Family Paralichthyidae, which includes the Ocellated Flounder, consists of a diverse group of right-eyed flounders.


Ocellated Flounders are predatory fish, relying on a varied diet of benthic organisms. Their feeding habits include consuming Amphipods, Copepods, Crabs, Crustaceans, Edible crab, Fish (little fishes), Invertebrates, Isopods, Living Food, Mantis shrimps, Mysis, Rock shrimps, Schrimps, Shrimps, Worms, Zoobenthos, and Zooplankton. This diverse menu highlights their opportunistic feeding strategies, enabling them to exploit a range of food sources available in their benthic habitats.

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