Gorgeous prawn-goby – Amblyeleotris wheeleri

Gorgeous prawn-goby, Burgundy Shrimp Goby, Burgundy Shrimp-goby, Gorgeous Shrimpgoby, Redbarred Shrimp Goby, Wheeler's Shrimp Goby, Wheeler's Shrimpgoby - Amblyeleotris wheeleri, Amblyeleotris wheeleri

The Burgundy Shrimp Goby, Burgundy Shrimp-goby, Gorgeous Shrimpgoby, Redbarred Shrimp Goby, Wheeler’s Shrimp Goby, Wheeler’s Shrimpgoby (Amblyeleotris wheeleri) is a captivating marine fish renowned for its vibrant coloration and intriguing behavior. This small goby species, often observed in association with shrimp, is a fascinating subject of study for marine biologists and aquarists alike.

Description and Characteristics

Amblyeleotris wheeleri boasts a captivating appearance, with a slender, elongated body that can reach a maximum size of 10.0 cm. Its most striking feature is its vibrant coloration, often displaying a deep burgundy or reddish-brown hue along its sides, contrasting sharply with a lighter, creamy white belly. This color pattern, along with its distinctive red bars that run along the body, lends it the name “Redbarred Shrimp Goby”.

Habitat and Occurrence

Amblyeleotris wheeleri is primarily found in the subtidal, sublittoral, and infralittoral zones, which are marine environments situated below the intertidal zone and extending to the shelf edge at approximately 200 m water depth. This species is commonly observed in the neritic zone, a shallow marine environment that is characterized by a close association with the coast. Within this expansive habitat range, Amblyeleotris wheeleri is typically found at depths of 5.0 – 40.0 meters, where it exhibits a preference for sandy bottoms and areas with coral reefs.


Amblyeleotris wheeleri belongs to the Class: Teleostei, Order: Gobiiformes, and Family: Gobiidae. This classification places it within a diverse and fascinating group of fish known for their adaptations to a variety of marine habitats.


Amblyeleotris wheeleri is an opportunistic feeder, relying on a diet that includes a variety of small invertebrates, crustaceans, and zooplankton. Its diet often consists of brine shrimps, copepods, Daphnia salina, flakes, frozen food (large sort), mysis, zoobenthos, and zooplankton. This varied diet ensures it can thrive in a range of environments and adapt to fluctuating food sources.

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