The Flabellina Arveloi, scientifically known as Coryphellina arveloi, is a captivating species of sea slug, belonging to the family Flabellinidae. Its vibrant colors and intricate patterns make it a fascinating sight for divers and marine enthusiasts alike.
Description & Characteristics
The Coryphellina arveloi is a small nudibranch, reaching a maximum size of around 15 millimeters. Its body is typically elongated and slender, featuring a distinctive cerata, the finger-like projections, which are arranged in rows along its back. These cerata are often adorned with bright colors, with red being particularly prominent, creating a striking visual contrast against the white or translucent background of its body.
Habitat and Occurrence
The Coryphellina arveloi is found in a variety of marine environments, typically inhabiting shallow coastal waters. It is particularly common in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, where it thrives in rocky reefs, seagrass meadows, and sandy bottoms. The Coryphellina arveloi is typically found in depths ranging from a few meters to around 20 meters, residing within the neritic zone, the area of the ocean extending from the shoreline to the edge of the continental shelf.
The Coryphellina arveloi belongs to the Class: Gastropoda, Order: Nudibranchia, and Family: Flabellinidae. This classification reflects its close relationship to other sea slugs, particularly those within the Flabellinidae family, which share similar anatomical features and ecological characteristics.
The Coryphellina arveloi is a highly specialized feeder, with its diet consisting primarily of hydrozoa polyps. These polyps are colonial animals, and the Coryphellina arveloi selectively consumes specific species of these organisms. This specialized feeding strategy allows the Coryphellina arveloi to thrive in its chosen habitats, where its food source is abundant.
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