The Dusky Spinefoot, scientifically known as Siganus luridus, is a species of fish belonging to the family Siganidae. This fish is characterized by its distinct physical attributes and ecological significance.
Description & Characteristics
Siganus luridus is a relatively small fish, reaching a maximum size of 30.0 cm. Its body is typically elongated and compressed, with a distinct spine-like structure on its dorsal fin. This spine, along with the fish’s overall coloration, provides a unique identification marker. The Dusky Spinefoot can be distinguished by its dusky brown to grayish-brown body color, often with a distinctive dark stripe running along its flanks.
Habitat and Occurrence
This species is commonly found in a variety of marine environments, including subtidal, sublittoral, infralittoral, and deep zones of the oceans. The Siganus luridus thrives in the neritic zone, which extends from the lower limit of the intertidal zone to the shelf edge at approximately 200 m water depth. The Dusky Spinefoot’s habitat preference, encompassing a range of depths from 2.0 to 40.0 meters, contributes to its widespread distribution.
The Dusky Spinefoot, Siganus luridus, belongs to the family Siganidae, a group of fish commonly known as rabbitfishes or spinefoots. This family is part of the order Acanthuriformes, which includes other well-known fish species like surgeonfish and tangs. Siganus luridus falls under the Class Teleostei, a highly diverse group that encompasses a vast majority of bony fishes.
Siganus luridus is an herbivorous fish, primarily feeding on algae. It has a diverse diet that includes various types of algae, invertebrates, lettuce, and even nori-algae. This adaptability in its feeding habits contributes to its ability to thrive in different marine environments.
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