The Cute Risbecia, Beautiful Hypselodoris, scientifically known as Hypselodoris pulchella, is a captivating species of sea slug belonging to the family Chromodorididae. This captivating creature is easily recognizable for its vibrant and intricate patterns, making it a popular subject amongst marine enthusiasts.
Description & Characteristics
Hypselodoris pulchella, commonly known as the Cute Risbecia, Beautiful Hypselodoris, showcases a fascinating blend of colors and patterns. Its body is typically a brilliant yellow or orange, adorned with black spots, creating a striking contrast. This vibrant color scheme serves as a warning to potential predators, signaling its toxicity.
Habitat and Occurrence
The Cute Risbecia, Beautiful Hypselodoris, Hypselodoris pulchella, thrives in various marine zones, including the subtidal, sublittoral, infralittoral, and deep zone of the oceans, ranging from the lower limit of the intertidal zone to the shelf edge at approximately 200 meters depth. It is classified as a neritic species, meaning it is found in the shallow waters over the continental shelf. This wide distribution makes Hypselodoris pulchella a familiar sight in various aquatic ecosystems.
Hypselodoris pulchella belongs to the Class Gastropoda, which encompasses a diverse group of mollusks, including snails, slugs, and limpets. It is further classified within the Order Nudibranchia, a group characterized by their lack of shells and external gills. Finally, it is part of the Family Chromodorididae, known for their brightly colored and often toxic species.
Hypselodoris pulchella is a specialist feeder, relying solely on sponges as its dietary source. This specific diet is reflected in the slug’s vibrant coloration, which serves as a warning to potential predators, indicating the presence of toxins acquired from its sponge diet.
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