Coralline goby – Odondebuenia balearica

Coralline goby, Coralline Goby - Odondebuenia balearica, Odondebuenia balearica

The Coralline Goby – Odondebuenia balearica is a small, colorful goby fish native to the Mediterranean Sea. This species is known for its vibrant coloration and striking patterns, making it a fascinating addition to the diverse marine life found in its habitat.

Description & Characteristics

The Coralline Goby – Odondebuenia balearica reaches a maximum size of 3.2 centimeters, making it one of the smaller goby species. Its body is characterized by a slender, elongated shape with a slightly compressed head. The fish features a distinct coloration, typically a combination of reddish-brown and white, with distinctive dark spots and stripes adorning its body. These striking patterns help camouflage the Coralline Goby – Odondebuenia balearica within its coral reef environment.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Coralline Goby – Odondebuenia balearica is a demersal fish, meaning it lives near the bottom of the ocean. It is commonly found inhabiting the rocky and coral reef ecosystems of the Mediterranean Sea. The species has been observed at depths ranging from 20 to 70 meters, demonstrating its adaptability to various underwater environments. The Coralline Goby – Odondebuenia balearica primarily dwells in the epipelagic zone, the uppermost layer of the ocean where sunlight penetrates, allowing for photosynthesis.


The Coralline Goby – Odondebuenia balearica belongs to the Class: Teleostei, Order: Gobiiformes, and Family: Gobiidae. This classification places it within a diverse group of fishes known for their small size, often inhabiting shallow coastal waters.


The Coralline Goby – Odondebuenia balearica is a carnivorous fish, primarily feeding on zooplankton. It is a filter feeder, using its gill rakers to trap small organisms from the surrounding water. This feeding strategy makes the Coralline Goby – Odondebuenia balearica an important part of the marine food web, contributing to the balance and health of its ecosystem.

Associated Species

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