Common Music Volute – Voluta musica

, Common Music Volute - Voluta musica, Voluta musica
Depth: 0 - 40 m
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Not evaluated (NE)
Temperature: 79.88 °F - 82.58 °F (26.6°C - 28.1°C)

The Common Music Volute, scientifically known as Voluta musica, is a captivating marine gastropod renowned for its exquisite shell. This species, a member of the Volutidae family, is a true gem of the ocean floor.

Description & Characteristics

Voluta musica showcases a strikingly beautiful shell, usually measuring up to 15 cm in length. Its characteristic shape is oval, with a smooth, glossy surface that often exhibits intricate patterns of brown, white, and orange markings. The shell’s aperture, the opening where the animal emerges, is distinctively narrow and elongated.

Habitat and Occurrence

Voluta musica thrives in a variety of marine environments, including the subtidal, sublittoral, and infralittoral zones. It can be found along the continental shelf, inhabiting depths ranging from the lower limit of the intertidal zone to approximately 200 meters. This species is classified as neritic, meaning it primarily resides in the waters above the continental shelf. As a result, Voluta musica is a common sight in these aquatic ecosystems.


Voluta musica belongs to the Class Gastropoda, a diverse group of mollusks characterized by their single, spiraled shell. This species falls under the Order Neogastropoda, which encompasses a vast array of predatory gastropods. Within this order, Voluta musica finds its place in the Family Volutidae, a group of marine snails known for their large, often ornate shells.


Voluta musica is a carnivorous predator that relies on a diet of other marine organisms. Its prey selection includes clams, snails, and carrion. This hunting strategy makes Voluta musica a significant player in the marine food web.

Associated Species

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