Tursiops truncatus Dolphin attack japan

Dolphin Attacks Spoil Summer Along a Stretch of Japanese Beaches

Rising Incidents of Dolphin Attacks

In Wakasa Bay, located approximately 200 miles west of Tokyo, there has been a notable increase in dolphin attacks, resulting in injuries to at least 47 individuals since 2022. These incidents have predominantly occurred on the beaches near the cities of Echizen and Mihama. The types of injuries reported range from minor bites on the hands to more severe cases involving broken bones and wounds requiring stitches.

Geographical Distribution and Recent Surge

The concentration of these attacks has been primarily on the beaches near Echizen and Mihama. Since July 21 of this year, there have been 16 reported injuries, mostly occurring on the beaches near Mihama and Tsuruga. This recent surge in attacks has raised concerns among local authorities and beachgoers alike.

Preventive Measures

In response to the increasing number of incidents, local authorities have implemented several preventive measures. Warning posters have been placed along the beaches, alerting visitors to the potential danger. Additionally, lifeguards are on high alert, ready to call swimmers out of the water upon sighting a fin.

Why Are Dolphin Attacks Increasing in Japan?

Understanding the Behavioural Shift

The rise in dolphin attacks in Japan has puzzled marine biologists and local authorities. Several factors could be contributing to this behavioural shift. One hypothesis suggests that the dolphins may be experiencing stress due to changes in their environment, such as water pollution or a decrease in their natural prey. Another possibility is that increased human interaction and feeding by beachgoers might be altering the dolphins’ natural behaviour, making them more aggressive.

Implications for Scuba Divers

For scuba divers, understanding the potential risks associated with dolphin encounters is crucial. While dolphins are generally perceived as friendly and playful creatures, it is essential to remember that they are wild animals with unpredictable behaviours. Divers should maintain a respectful distance from dolphins and avoid any actions that might provoke them.

Safety Recommendations

To ensure safety while diving or swimming in areas known for dolphin activity, it is advisable to:

  • Stay informed about recent dolphin sightings and attack reports.
  • Follow local guidelines and heed warnings from lifeguards.
  • Avoid feeding or attempting to interact with dolphins.
  • Maintain a safe distance from any marine wildlife encountered.

By adhering to these recommendations, divers can minimise the risk of negative encounters while still enjoying the beauty and diversity of marine life.


The increase in dolphin attacks along certain Japanese beaches highlights the need for greater awareness and caution among beachgoers and divers. Understanding the factors contributing to these incidents and taking appropriate preventive measures can help ensure a safer and more enjoyable experience for all who venture into these waters.

News, Scuba Diving

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