Palythoa is a genus of colonial zoanthid corals. They are commonly known as zoanthids, button polyps, carpet anemones, or colonial anemones. Zoanthids are closely related to sea anemones and are commonly found in shallow, tropical waters. They are often kept in marine aquariums because of their attractive colors and textures.
Palythoa colonies are characterized by their small, individual polyps that are typically less than an inch in diameter. Each polyp has a central mouth surrounded by tentacles. Palythoa colonies can be brightly colored, with shades of green, brown, purple, orange, and yellow. The polyps are typically clustered together in mats or carpets, often covering large areas of the substrate.
Palythoa species are found in a variety of marine environments, including coral reefs, rocky shores, and mangrove swamps. They prefer shallow, sheltered waters with ample sunlight. They are commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions, particularly in the Indo-Pacific and the Caribbean Sea.