
Gracila is a genus of marine bristle worms belonging to the family Pilargiidae. Bristle worms are polychaetes, a diverse group of segmented worms. Gracila is a small genus with only three known species. They are known for their small size and their distinctive, long, slender bodies.

Common Names

There are no common names for Gracila species.


Gracila species are characterized by the following:

  • Small size, typically less than 1 cm in length
  • Long, slender bodies with numerous segments
  • A distinct prostomium (head region) with sensory palps
  • Parapodia (paired, fleshy appendages) with long, slender setae (bristles)
  • A well-developed pygidium (tail region) with anal cirri (sensory appendages)


Gracila species are found in a variety of marine environments, including:

  • Intertidal zones
  • Subtidal zones
  • Deep-sea habitats

They are often found in association with seaweeds or other marine organisms.


More information on Gracila can be found on the following websites: