Daira is a genus of marine snails, belonging to the family Trochidae, commonly known as top snails. These gastropods are characterized by their distinctive conical shells, often adorned with intricate patterns and vibrant colors. Daira species are primarily found in the Indo-Pacific region, inhabiting a variety of marine environments, from shallow reefs to deeper waters.
Snails belonging to the genus Daira typically exhibit the following characteristics:
- Conical shell: The shell is conical in shape, with a pointed apex and a wide, flat base.
- Spiral sculpture: The shell surface often displays intricate spiral sculpture, consisting of raised ridges or grooves.
- Coloration: Daira shells are known for their vibrant colors, ranging from brown and red to yellow and green.
- Operculum: They possess a calcareous operculum, a hard, protective plate that covers the opening of the shell when the snail retracts.
Daira species are primarily found in the Indo-Pacific region, inhabiting a variety of marine environments, including:
- Coral reefs: They are commonly found on coral reefs, where they graze on algae.
- Rocky shores: Some species inhabit rocky shores, clinging to rocks and crevices.
- Seagrass beds: Daira snails can also be found in seagrass beds, where they feed on algae and detritus.
For more detailed information on Daira species, refer to the following resources: