Zebra garden eel – Heteroconger polyzona

Zebra garden eel, Heteroconger Polyzona - Heteroconger polyzona, Heteroconger polyzona
Size: 34.7 cm
Depth: 1 - 10 m
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Least concern (LC)
Temperature: 73.4 °F - 80.6 °F (23°C - 27°C)

Heteroconger polyzona, commonly known as Heteroconger Polyzona, is an eel species found in marine environments.

Description & Characteristics

Heteroconger polyzona can reach a maximum size of 34.7 cm.

Habitat and Occurrence

Heteroconger polyzona is typically found at depths ranging from 1.0 to 10.0 meters. This species primarily inhabits the coastal areas of the Indo-Pacific region.


Heteroconger polyzona belongs to the Class: Teleostei, which encompasses a vast array of ray-finned fishes. It is further classified within the Order: Anguilliformes, a group that includes all eels. Finally, Heteroconger polyzona is a member of the Family: Congridae, commonly known as the conger eels.


Heteroconger polyzona is a carnivorous species that feeds on a variety of prey items. Their diet includes brine shrimps, frozen food (large sort), living food, and mysis.

Associated Species

Image References

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