Vitta Sea Slug – Trapania vitta

, Vitta Sea Slug, Trapania vitta
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Not evaluated (NE)
Temperature: 71.6 °F - 80.6 °F (22°C - 27°C)

The Vitta Sea Slug, scientifically known as Trapania vitta, is a captivating species of sea slug belonging to the family Goniodorididae. These marine gastropods, classified under the order Nudibranchia, are renowned for their striking colors and unique features.

Description & Characteristics

The Trapania vitta boasts a distinctively elongated body, often reaching a maximum size of 15 mm. Its vibrant body coloration is a striking combination of white, orange, and black, further accentuated by numerous white papillae, small projections that line its back. These papillae, characteristic of the genus Trapania, serve as sensory organs, helping the sea slug navigate its surroundings.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Trapania vitta exhibits a preference for shallow, rocky reefs and crevices, typically inhabiting the intertidal and subtidal zones. This sea slug’s presence is most notable in the Indo-Pacific region, making it a common sight in the diverse coral reefs of this marine area.


The Trapania vitta is classified under the Class Gastropoda, Order Nudibranchia, and Family Goniodorididae. This intricate classification reflects the intricate evolutionary history of these fascinating sea slugs.


The Trapania vitta is a specialized feeder, relying on a specific diet of Kelchwürmer (Entroprocta) for sustenance. These minute, tube-dwelling animals are the primary food source for this sea slug. The specialized feeding habits of the Trapania vitta underscore its unique role in the marine ecosystem.

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