Tyrannodoris europaea is a species of sea slug, a nudibranch, that belongs to the family Polyceridae. It is a relatively common species in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean, known for its distinctive appearance and behavior.
Description & Characteristics
Tyrannodoris europaea is a relatively large nudibranch, reaching a maximum size of 10 cm in length. Its body is typically elongated and flattened, with a distinctive dorsal surface that features a pair of prominent rhinophores (sensory organs) that are club-shaped and bear numerous lamellae. It has a wide, fleshy oral veil that surrounds the mouth, and the mantle is adorned with numerous cerata (finger-like projections) that extend outwards from the body.
The coloration of Tyrannodoris europaea varies, but it is often characterized by a combination of bright orange, yellow, and white markings. The rhinophores and cerata are often tipped with orange or yellow, providing a striking contrast against the white or cream-colored background. The dorsal surface of the body may exhibit a number of small, dark brown spots.
Habitat and Occurrence
Tyrannodoris europaea is found in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean, primarily along the coasts of Europe. Its distribution extends from the British Isles and Norway in the north to Portugal and Spain in the south. This nudibranch prefers rocky and sandy bottoms, and it is typically found in the intertidal zone and shallow subtidal areas, ranging in depth from the surface down to around 50 meters.
Tyrannodoris europaea is a common sight in the lower intertidal zone, especially in areas with kelp forests and other seaweeds. It prefers habitats with a high abundance of prey, and it is often found in association with sponges and other invertebrates.
Tyrannodoris europaea is classified within the phylum Mollusca, belonging to the Class: Gastropoda, Order: Nudibranchia, and Family: Polyceridae. This family, Polyceridae, includes a diverse range of nudibranchs known for their wide array of colors and patterns.
Tyrannodoris europaea is a carnivorous nudibranch that feeds primarily on sponges. It uses its radula, a tongue-like structure with rows of teeth, to scrape off sponge tissue. Its diet includes a variety of sponge species, and it plays a role in controlling sponge populations in its habitat.
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