Thinlip grey mullet – Chelon ramada

Thinlip grey mullet, , Chelon ramada
Size: 70 cm
Depth: 10 - 20 m
Weight: 2900 g
Water Type: Marine, Brackish, Freshwater

Chelon ramada, commonly known as the is a species of fish belonging to the family Mugilidae. It is a relatively small fish, typically reaching a maximum size of 70.0 cm. This species is a demersal fish, meaning it lives close to the seabed, and can be found at depths ranging from 10.0 to 20.0 meters.

Description & Characteristics

Chelon ramada is characterized by its elongated body and slightly compressed head. Its mouth is small and slightly protrusible. This species has a single dorsal fin, located in the middle of the back, and a forked caudal fin. The color of Chelon ramada can vary depending on the environment it inhabits, but it is typically silver or gray with darker stripes running along its sides.

Habitat and Occurrence

Chelon ramada is a marine species that is found in the Indo-Pacific region. It is typically found in coastal waters, particularly in areas with sandy or muddy bottoms. This species is often found in estuaries, lagoons, and bays, where it can tolerate a range of salinities. Chelon ramada prefers warmer waters, typically inhabiting tropical and subtropical marine zones.


The species Chelon ramada belongs to the Class: Teleostei, Order: Mugiliformes, and Family: Mugilidae. Teleostei is the largest order of bony fishes, known for having a wide range of adaptations and diverse body forms. The order Mugiliformes, which includes mullets, is characterized by their elongated bodies and the presence of a single dorsal fin. The Mugilidae family, to which Chelon ramada belongs, is a diverse group of fish that are commonly known as mullets and are found in both marine and freshwater environments.


Chelon ramada is an omnivorous fish that feeds on a variety of organisms, including algae, detritus, and small invertebrates. It is known for its ability to filter food from the water column, and it is also a known grazer on benthic organisms, which are organisms that live on the bottom of the sea floor.

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