Sterlet sturgeon – Acipenser ruthenus

Sterlet sturgeon, Acipenser ruthenus, Acipenser ruthenus
Size: 125 cm
Weight: 16000 g
Water Type: Brackish, Freshwater

Acipenser ruthenus, commonly known as the European sturgeon, is a species of fish belonging to the sturgeon family (Acipenseridae). It is a large, long-lived fish that is found in freshwater rivers and lakes throughout Europe.

Description & Characteristics

The European sturgeon is a distinctive fish with a long, slender body and a pointed snout. It has five rows of bony plates, or scutes, running along its body. The largest recorded specimen of Acipenser ruthenus was 125.0 cm in length.

Habitat and Occurrence

The European sturgeon inhabits freshwater rivers and lakes, making it a prevalent presence in these aquatic ecosystems. Its distribution extends across much of Europe, with populations occurring in the Baltic Sea, Black Sea, and Caspian Sea drainages. The species is commonly found in rivers and lakes, adapting to a range of water conditions.


Acipenser ruthenus belongs to the sturgeon family (Acipenseridae), a group of ancient fish that dates back to the Mesozoic era. It is classified within the Class: Chondrostei, Order: Acipenseriformes. This classification reflects the unique evolutionary history of sturgeons and their distinct characteristics, including their cartilaginous skeletons and their lack of scales.


The European sturgeon is an opportunistic bottom feeder, meaning that it feeds on a variety of organisms that it finds on the bottom of rivers and lakes. This includes invertebrates such as worms, insects, and crustaceans, as well as small fish.

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