The Spotfin Frogfish, also known as Big-Spot Angler, Coin-Bearing Frogfish, Dark-Spotted Frogfish, Ocellated Angler, Opulent Frogfish, Spotfin Angler, Spot-Fin Anglerfish and White-Finger Anglerfish, is a species in the large clade of the Percomorpha and thus belongs to the superclass of the bony fish. Antennatus nummifer was first described in 1817 by Cuvier.
The Spotfin Frogfish has a high-backed, laterally slightly compressed body. His mouth is pointed upwards. Between the eyes is a process similar to a small shrimp.
The colouration of Antennatus nummifer is variable. It can be yellow, pink, orange, red, brown or black. A black or sometimes white spot is placed to the base of the dorsal fin.
It can be up to 13cm long.
Habitat and Distribution
The Spotfin Frogfish lives on a solid ground or in sea grass meadows down to a depth of 300m. It prefers protected reef areas. I have only found him under overhangs.
When diving in the Canaries Antennatus nummifer is rather rare. There is, of course, the fact that it is very well camouflaged and hardly moves. On the other hand, it is night active, which does not make it easier to discover it.
Its distribution area extends in the Atlantic over the Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands, Ascension and St. Helena. It is also found in South Africa, East Africa, the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, north of Japan and around New Zealand.
Antennatus nummifer is nocturnal and lives benthic. It is a bad swimmer and usually moves on its flippers.
Its diet consists of small fish, crustaceans and worms. Antennatus nummifer can open its mouth as far as its body is wide.
The Spotfin Frogfish lays its eggs in a band-like mass of gelatin.