Southern Rockhopper Penguin, Rockhopper Penguin, Rockhopper, Victoria Penguin, Drooping-Crested Penguin, Tufted Penguin, Crested Penguin, Jackass Penguin – Eudyptes chrysocome

, Southern Rockhopper Penguin, Rockhopper Penguin, Rockhopper, Victoria Penguin, Drooping-Crested Penguin, Tufted Penguin, Crested Penguin, Jackass Penguin, Eudyptes chrysocome
Depth: 0 - 109 m
Water Type: Marine, Terrestrial
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Vulnerable (VU)
Temperature: -1,8 °F - 69.8 °F (-1,8°C - 21°C)

The Southern Rockhopper Penguin, Rockhopper Penguin, Rockhopper, Victoria Penguin, Drooping-Crested Penguin, Tufted Penguin, Crested Penguin, Jackass Penguin – Eudyptes chrysocome is a species of penguin that is known for its distinctive yellow “eyebrows” and crest of feathers. These penguins are found in the Southern Hemisphere and are known for their characteristic loud calls that resemble a donkey’s bray, earning them the nickname “Jackass Penguin”.

Description & Characteristics

Eudyptes chrysocome is a medium-sized penguin, measuring around 50-60 cm in height. It is characterized by its distinctive black and white plumage. Its upperparts are black, while its underparts are white. Its most recognizable feature is its yellow “eyebrows” and crest of feathers, which are typically longer and more drooping in males. Their eyes are dark brown, and they have a long, pointed beak. They possess strong, webbed feet and powerful wings that help them propel themselves through the water.

Habitat and Occurrence

Eudyptes chrysocome is a resident of the Southern Hemisphere, primarily inhabiting the subantarctic islands and the southernmost regions of South America. These penguins are most commonly found on islands like Gough Island, Tristan da Cunha, the Falkland Islands, and the South Shetland Islands. They thrive in the cold waters of the Southern Ocean, specifically in the Antarctic Polar Front, which is a transition zone between warmer and colder waters. They are often found in areas with abundant rocky shores and kelp forests, providing nesting and foraging opportunities. Eudyptes chrysocome can be observed in all four marine zones: the Neritic zone, the Oceanic zone, the Bathyal zone, and the Abyssal zone, although they primarily inhabit the shallow coastal waters of the Neritic zone where their prey is most abundant.


The species Eudyptes chrysocome belongs to the Class: Aves, Order: Sphenisciformes, and Family: Spheniscidae. Eudyptes chrysocome is part of the genus Eudyptes, which includes several other crested penguin species.


Eudyptes chrysocome are carnivorous and are known for their diet rich in various marine invertebrates and small fish. They primarily feed on krill, a type of small crustacean, and also consume other crustaceans like amphipods, isopods, and crabs. Their diet also includes small fish, squid, and cephalopods, such as sepia. They typically forage in shallow coastal waters, diving to depths of up to 100 meters, but occasionally venturing further into deeper waters.

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