Southern Bailer – Melo miltonis

, Southern Bailer, Melo miltonis
Depth: 0 - 100 m
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Not evaluated (NE)
Temperature: 17,7 °F - 23,3 °F (17,7°C - 23,3°C)

The Southern Bailer (Melo miltonis) is a large and distinctive species of marine snail, belonging to the family Volutidae, commonly known as volutes. These snails are renowned for their striking appearance, particularly their massive, bulbous shells that can reach significant sizes.

Description & Characteristics

The shell of Melo miltonis is characterized by its thick, heavy construction and a smooth, glossy surface. It typically ranges in color from a creamy white to a pale brown, often adorned with intricate patterns of darker brown or reddish-brown markings. The shell’s shape is broadly ovate, with a wide, rounded aperture (opening) and a prominent spire (pointed top). The outer lip of the aperture is usually thickened and flared, and the columella (inner lip) features a series of prominent folds or ridges. The maximum size of the Southern Bailer can reach up to 30 cm in length.

Habitat and Occurrence

Melo miltonis thrives in a variety of marine environments, ranging from shallow coral reefs to deeper sandy seafloors. They are commonly found in seagrass meadows and eelgrass meadows, where they can burrow into the sediment or hide among the vegetation. These snails typically inhabit the Subtidal, sublittoral, infralittoral, and deep zones of the oceans, extending from the lower limit of the intertidal zone to the shelf edge at about 200 meters water depth. This encompasses the neritic zone, where they play a significant role in the marine ecosystem.


The species Melo miltonis belongs to the Class: Gastropoda, Order: Neogastropoda, and Family: Volutidae. The Gastropoda is a diverse class that includes all snails and slugs. The Order Neogastropoda encompasses a broad range of predatory sea snails, while the Family Volutidae is characterized by its distinctive, often large and heavy shells.


The Southern Bailer (Melo miltonis) is a carnivorous and predatory snail. Its diet primarily consists of other snails, which it captures by using its strong radula (a ribbon-like structure covered in teeth) to scrape away the prey’s shell. The snail’s large size and powerful muscles enable it to subdue even larger prey items.

Associated Species

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