The Sharptooth Houndshark, Spotted Gully Shark, scientifically known as Triakis megalopterus, is a common shark species found in coastal waters worldwide. This shark is easily recognizable by its distinctive spotted pattern and sharp teeth, hence its common name.
Description & Characteristics
The Triakis megalopterus is a relatively small shark, reaching a maximum size of 142.0 cm. Its body is slender and streamlined, with a pointed snout and large, oval-shaped eyes. The dorsal fin is positioned slightly behind the pectoral fins, and the second dorsal fin is much smaller. The caudal fin has a distinct upper lobe and a smaller lower lobe. The most distinctive feature of the Triakis megalopterus is its spotted coloration, which consists of numerous small, dark spots on a light grey or brown background. This color pattern provides camouflage in the rocky habitats it frequents.
Habitat and Occurrence
The Sharptooth Houndshark, Spotted Gully Shark, Triakis megalopterus, is found in a variety of marine environments, including Subtidal, sublittoral, infralittoral, and deep zones of the oceans from the lower limit of the intertidal zone (intertidal) to the shelf edge at about 200 m water depth. This neritic zone is characterized by its proximity to the coastline and relatively shallow depths. The species is particularly common on rocky reefs, sandy bottoms, and kelp forests, where it can find shelter and abundant prey.
The species Triakis megalopterus belongs to the Class: Elasmobranchii, Order: Carcharhiniformes, and Family: Triakidae. The Elasmobranchii class encompasses all sharks, rays, and skates, while the Carcharhiniformes order encompasses a large and diverse group of sharks known for their sharp teeth and active hunting behavior. The Triakidae family is a group of dogfish sharks characterized by their slender bodies, large eyes, and sharp teeth.
The Triakis megalopterus is a carnivorous shark, feeding primarily on a variety of crustaceans, fish, and invertebrates. Its diet includes a wide range of prey, including Clam meat, Clams, Crabs, Fish (little fishes), Fish eggs, Fish larvae, Lobster, Rock lobster, Schrimps, Sea squirts, Sea urchins, Sepia, Shrimps, Small Sharks, Snails, and Starfishs. Its sharp teeth and powerful jaws allow it to efficiently crush and consume its prey.
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