Sand Goby – Istigobius hoshinonis

, Sand Goby, Istigobius hoshinonis
Size: 8.9 cm
Depth: 3 - 14 m
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Not evaluated (NE)
Temperature: 21,5 °F - 23,8 °F (21,5°C - 23,8°C)

The Sand Goby, scientifically known as Istigobius hoshinonis, is a small, slender goby fish that inhabits the coastal waters of the Indo-Pacific region. This species, reaching a maximum size of 8.9 cm, is often found in shallow depths ranging from 3.0 to 14.0 meters.

Description & Characteristics

The Sand Goby, Istigobius hoshinonis, boasts a distinctive, elongated body, adorned with a vibrant orange-brown hue, often accented with lighter stripes or spots. Its fins, especially the dorsal fin, are marked by a striking black color, a key feature of the species. The caudal fin, or tail fin, is rounded, while the pectoral fins, located just behind the gills, are broad and fan-like, aiding in maneuvering through the water.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Istigobius hoshinonis, commonly known as the Sand Goby, is a bottom-dwelling fish, primarily inhabiting sandy or gravelly substrates in coastal waters. Its preferred habitat is often associated with coral reefs and rocky shores, where it can find shelter and ample foraging opportunities. The species can be found in both the intertidal zone, the area between high and low tides, and the subtidal zone, the area below the low tide mark. This adaptability allows it to thrive in a variety of marine environments, making it a common sight in the Indo-Pacific region.


The Sand Goby, Istigobius hoshinonis, is a member of the Gobiidae family, which is a diverse group of fish known for their small size and distinctive fused pelvic fins. The Gobiidae family belongs to the Order Gobiiformes, which includes a wide variety of gobies, blennies, and other related fish. This order falls under the Class Teleostei, which represents the vast majority of bony fish species. The classification of the Istigobius hoshinonis reflects its evolutionary history and its close relationship with other goby species.


Istigobius hoshinonis, the Sand Goby, is an opportunistic omnivore, feeding on a varied diet of algae, amphipods, copepods, crustaceans, daphnia salina, invertebrates, worms, and zoobenthos. This diverse feeding strategy allows the species to thrive in its diverse habitat, capitalizing on readily available food sources. Its diet can be influenced by factors like the availability of prey and the specific location within its habitat.

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