Redbanded perch – Hypoplectrodes huntii

Redbanded perch, Redbanded Perch - Hypoplectrodes huntii, Hypoplectrodes huntii
Size: 20 cm
Depth: 0 - 100 m
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Temperature: 55.4 °F - 69.8 °F (13°C - 21°C)

The Redbanded Perch (Hypoplectrodes huntii) is a species of fish belonging to the Serranidae family, commonly known as sea basses. This species is distributed across a range of marine habitats, characterized by its striking reddish-brown coloration and distinctive banding patterns.

Description & Characteristics

The Redbanded Perch (Hypoplectrodes huntii) is a moderately sized fish, reaching a maximum length of 20.0 cm. It is readily identifiable by its reddish-brown body adorned with distinct reddish-brown bands. These bands encircle the body and are particularly prominent on the head and tail.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Redbanded Perch (Hypoplectrodes huntii) exhibits a wide depth range, inhabiting waters from the surface to depths of 100.0 meters. This adaptability allows the species to thrive in a variety of marine environments, including coastal reefs, rocky outcrops, and sandy bottoms. Their distribution encompasses diverse marine zones, from shallow coastal waters to deeper, offshore environments.


The Redbanded Perch (Hypoplectrodes huntii) is classified within the scientific order Perciformes, a diverse group encompassing a wide array of fish species, including the familiar perches and basses. Further, it belongs to the Serranidae family, commonly known as sea basses, a group recognized for their predatory habits and prominent body shapes.


The Redbanded Perch (Hypoplectrodes huntii) is a carnivorous fish with a diverse diet. It is known to prey on a variety of organisms, including amphipods, crabs, crustaceans, small fishes, hermit crabs, nekton, rock shrimps, sea urchins, starfish, and zoobenthos. This broad dietary range reflects the species’ adaptability and its ability to exploit various food sources within its habitat.

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