Red-spotted Crab – Liagore rubromaculata

, Red-spotted Crab - Liagore rubromaculata, Liagore rubromaculata
Depth: 15 - 310 m
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Not evaluated (NE)
Temperature: °F - 82.4 °F (°C - 28°C)

The Red-spotted Crab, Liagore rubromaculata, is a fascinating marine creature found in various underwater environments. Its vibrant red spots, distinctive appearance, and predatory nature make it a captivating subject for marine biologists and enthusiasts alike.

Description & Characteristics

The Red-spotted Crab, Liagore rubromaculata, is readily identifiable by its bright red spots scattered across its carapace, a hard outer shell covering its body. The crab’s coloration can vary, with some individuals displaying a more orange or brown hue. The carapace is typically smooth and rounded, with distinct lateral margins. The Liagore rubromaculata possesses long, slender legs equipped with sharp claws, allowing for efficient locomotion and capture of prey.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Red-spotted Crab, Liagore rubromaculata, is a denizen of diverse marine environments, including coral reefs, rocky shores, and rock coasts. Its presence extends from the lower limit of the intertidal zone to the shelf edge at approximately 200 meters depth. This broad range encompasses the subtidal, sublittoral, infralittoral, and deep zones of the oceans, classifying the Liagore rubromaculata as a neritic species.


The Red-spotted Crab, Liagore rubromaculata, is classified within the animal kingdom, belonging to the phylum Arthropoda, which encompasses a wide array of invertebrates. It is further categorized within the Class Malacostraca, which encompasses a diverse group of crustaceans. The Liagore rubromaculata falls under the Order Decapoda, a group characterized by ten legs, and the Family Xanthidae, commonly known as the “mud crabs”.


The Red-spotted Crab, Liagore rubromaculata, is a carnivore and a skilled predator. It utilizes its powerful claws to capture and consume a variety of prey, including smaller crustaceans, mollusks, and worms. Its predatory behavior plays a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of its marine ecosystem.

Associated Species

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